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Ma Huang extract tea  powder. 






Organic Ephedra Chinese  Ma Huang tea powder






Can be made into a cup of tea or put into empty capsules we have in store


the Mormon pioneers were total speed freaks. Yeah, it's true. When they arrived in the Salt Lake Valley in 1847, the Goshute Indians introduced them to a cure-all potion, long favored by medicine men and brewed from the stems and flowers of a desert shrub. The Mormons liked it so much they named it after Brigham Young. The tonic's active ingredient was the same as in the Asian herb ma-huang: ephedrine. Natural crank.



Can be made into a cup of tea or put into empty capsules we have in store

 do not steep more than 3 minutes as can be bitter to taste


Very popular herb is made from the root of the Ma Huang Plant, which makes the ephedra effect in this product, very powerful. It is able to open up your airways in a matter of seconds after consumption for those who have asthma and other lung complications.




Effects of Ephedra: stimulant, increased focus and stamina (sometimes libido too in rare cases) + slight euphoria, extasy (MDMA) like buzz but not very strong.


The biggest drawback of Ephedra is that it can dramatically increase heartbeat and blood pressure and can make you susceptible to panic attacks.


People with high blood pressure and heart problems should not consume Epherda under any circumstances!


Irresponsible use of Ephedra is connected to a few deaths in the US so be careful.


Interesting facts about Ephedra: 

Ephedra and Ephedrine was used to be marketed as legal Xtasy.


According to urban myths it is widely used by college students to study and to help students cramming for finals.




the Mormon pioneers were total speed freaks. Yeah, it's true. When they arrived in the Salt Lake Valley in 1847, the Goshute Indians introduced them to a cure-all potion, long favored by medicine men and brewed from the stems and flowers of a desert shrub. The Mormons liked it so much they named it after Brigham Young. The tonic's active ingredient was the same as in the Asian herb ma-huang: ephedrine. Natural crank.

Chinese Ma Huang Powder 10.1 SUPER STRENGTH Energy Endurance

  • Sorry no refund for not getting the desired results

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