Tagetes lucida, widely identified as a powerfully psychoactive strain of the marigold flower, was first documented by the Aztecs. They used Tagetes lucida in a ritual incense they referred to as yyauhtl. This name was derived from the Aztecan word ujana, meaning “to offer incense in sacrifices” (Siegel et al. 1977)
The Mexican Indians have attributed marigolds with magical properties since pre-Columbian times. One variety was thought to be the manifestation of Xochipilli, the god of psychoactive plants, by the Aztecs. The Maya used this flower as an additive to their sacredbalchédrink. It is said that contemporary Mayan shamans still use Tagetes lucida, which they callxpuhucin shamanic rituals. The Mix of Oaxaca drink a tea made from nine Tagetes flowers for divination (Ratsch 1998, 496).
TRADITIONAL PREPARATION:The herbage of Tagetes lucida can be infused, boiled, or ground to produce a paste. Bundles of the fresh or dried flowering herbage are sold in marketplaces throughout Mexico. These bundles have numerous uses – as an aromatic herbage used as a flavoring spice in preparing maize dishes; as a medicinal remedy; and in ceremonial or shamanic rituals.
The infusion of one bundle with water makes two to three cups of an aromatic tea, a sufficient dosage to produce profound stimulating and aphrodisiac effects. The exact dosage needed to produce hallucinations is not documented (Neher 1968)
TRADITIONAL EFFECTS: All Tagetes species contain potentially aromatic essential oils. Tagetes lucida contains a substance very similar to Salvinorin A which has been found to be an extremely powerful, non-alkaloid compound for altering consciousness and one of the most potent, naturally occurring hallucinogens.
Also present in Tagetes lucida are thiophene compounds and benzofurans. No alkaloids have been isolated from Tagetes lucida, but a leaf extract was found to act as a CNS-depressant in rats in a laboratory study (Sutfeld et al. 1985).
The consumption of Tagetes lucida by smoking in Huichol ceremonial work is said to cause “quiescence, lying down, a fixed gaze, and frequent periods of closed eyes…the smoker would often turn away from the fire and face the darkness.” Closed-eye visual images are sometimes reported, along with stomach upset and vomiting (Voogelbreinder 2009, 324).
Up to 2 grams of the dried plant matter taken orally has been found in some to cause alertness, lucidity, a feeling of well-being, closed-eye visual and a warming of the body lasting 2-3 hours. Dream enhancement was also reported (Voogelbreinder 2009, 324)
In store mixes with Tagetes Lucinda - Mex Mix with leaf and TrancendX wth 100.1 powder and leaf