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Tagetes Lucina - is said to contain a compound that is very similar to Salvinorin A.

Tagetes lucida is said to contain a compound that is very similar to Salvinorin A, the powerful alkaloid found in Salvia that is primarily responsible for its psychoactive effects and which is one of the most potent naturally occurring psychedelics. Dried Tagetes lucida herbage is very fragrant and can be used as a flavoring spice in cooking, as a remedy for digestive troubles, and of course to induce visions.

Tagetes lucida, widely identified as a powerfully psychoactive strain of the marigold flower, was first documented by the Aztecs. They used Tagetes lucida in a ritual incense they referred to as yyauhtl. This name was derived from the Aztecan word ujana, meaning “to offer incense in sacrifices” (Siegel et al. 1977)

The Huichol Indians of the Sierra Madre of Mexico call Tagetes lucida either tumutsáli or less commonly, yahutli. They smoke the dried herbage alone or mixed with equal parts of Nicotiana rustica.

A mix of tagetes lucinda and nicotiana rusica is in store... Mapacho mix

This smoking mixture, although sometimes smoked recreationally, does have ceremonial importance. It is reported to be smoked as a rite of passage in sexual shamanic rituals, most likely due to its aphrodisiac effects (Siegel et al. 1977).

The leaves and flowers are smoked in cigarettes made from corn husks, often in combination with peyote (Lophophora williamsii). The smoking blend is also sometimes smoked in conjunction with imbibing tesquino or nawa (maize beer), or homemade ci or soter (cactus liquor). The combinations of smoking the herbage of Tagetes lucida along with taking peyote, maize beer or cactus liquor is said to produce very active, dynamic hallucinations (Siegel et al. 1977).

A shamantic smoking mix of tagetes lucinda and peyote oil is in store... Shamanic X Trance

Also available Aztex Mix with Amazonian herbs from the jungle.

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