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Puruvian herb Soursop and cancer

Horbaach Graviola Extract 2000 mg 120 Capsules | Non-GMO, Gluten Free | Soursop (Annona Muricata)


Anona is a small tree from the tropical part of Peru. It has tasty, nutritious fruits known as guanabana. Its distinctive feature are green, long, shiny leaves.  Even in the pre-Columbian era it was known and used medically by the local Indians.Each part of the tree has different curative properties, and “specializes” in different area.The bark has anti-ulcerous and antibacterial properties. Used together with the seeds it is great for fighting parasites. The decoction form the leaves (valuable antioxidant) has anticancer properties. It destroys cancer cells, sweeps free radicals out of the body – those are the reason for many illnesses.The fruits of Anona are a source of many precious microelements.

MORE INFORMATIONThe results of the research done by American scientists in the 20th century proved to be a great surprise for everybody. The results proved that acetogenins present in the leaves of Annona M. destroy many types of cancer cells, especially the cancer of pancreas, lungs, large intestine, breasts, prostate. It makes Annona M. a truly exceptional plant. It also has antalgic and antidepressant properties which are an additional benefit to treating cancer. Apart from being used in treating cancer the decoctions from the leaves of Anona lower the blood pressure, regulate fast pulse, help with fighting mould, fungi, viruses, bacteria, and parasite (including leishmaniasis). They are highly beneficial for the digestive system, they help with diarrhea, diabetes, they lower the level of sugar.Also they influence the nervous system, they help to soothe depression, insomnia, stress, neuralgia, epilepsy, they help with Parkinson.They regulate the level of cholesterol, visibly slow down the process of ageing of body cells, and improve their vitality. They are also used against asthma, fever and malaria. It may seem strangely funny, but the pharmaceutical industry has not been able to replicate in their labs the compounds identical to those present in Anona. The nature yet another time proves to be irreplaceable.

 USE AND MOST COMMON DOSAGEPour 700 ml of cold water to 3 – 5 g of herbs and cook for 5 – 10 minutes until it boils, on low heat. Drain. Drink three times a day. You can also pour over with boiling water, and leave for 15 minutes. Drink one glass three times a day.

Extra Info:In addition to its anticancer properties, some people use soursop to treat infections, coughs, weight loss, herpes, inflammation of the nose and throat, and parasitic infections such as lice. Others may use graviola tea or soursop fruit to induce vomiting or to increase relaxation.

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