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Kratom Alternatives: Sakae Naa for Energy focus motivation

Sakae Naa (Combretum quadrangulare) is a tree that grows naturally in the wetlands of Southeast Asia. Although not so popular as other natural substances, this natural product is gaining the favor of many users thanks to its energizing properties.

Keep reading to learn more about this natural remedy!

Geography and History

Sakae Naa is the name commonly given to Combretum quadrangulare, a tree that grows along the banks of rivers in Southeastern Asia. It is native to countries like Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam or Myanmar. And it is one of the Combretum genus of the Combretaceae family. There are almost 400 plants in the Combretum genus, which grow in tropical areas from Asia, America and Africa.

The native people from Southeast Asia chew or smoke the fresh leaves of Combretum quadrangulare to enjoy its stimulating properties. This is something especially common in Thailand, where the indigenous population uses this plant as an alternative to kratom (in Thailand, kratom is banned since 1943). However, as we will explain later in this post, Combretum quadrangulare does not have the same effects as kratom.

Sakae Naa Effects

Sakae Naa is known for its stimulating and energizing effects. This plant can give you the energy boost you need to face the day. It will increase your feeling of alertness, wakefulness and even productivity.

Not only that, Combretum quadrangulare can also increase motivation. Hence, you can use it to improve your performance at work or to carry out tasks that require an extra effort. But also, if you need to make physical exercise, but you are tired, Sakae Naa can give you the kick you need.

There are also studies focused on the hepatoprotective activity of Sakae Naa active elements, such as its alkaloids and flavonoids. That is, C. quadrangulare can protect your liver.

Other than that, Sakae Naa is also a mild analgesic, which can be of help in cases of low to moderate pain. However, if you are suffering from severe pain, this herb may be too mild for you. For that type of pain, there are

other natural remedies other than than Combretum quadrangulare.

*Akuamma Seeds

Akuamma seeds alkaloids are similar to the ones contained in kratom. The seeds of akuamma tree has been used in many countries of western Africa for generations due to its properties. Probably, akuamma seeds most popular use is as an analgesic, but they also have anti-inflammatory effects, which makes it very effective to help relieve pain.

*Mitragyna Hirsuta

Mitragyna hirsuta is a relative to mitragyna speciosa (or kratom). So, its properties are very similar to those of kratom. Its main use is to help relieve opiate withdrawal symptoms, but it also has mild analgesic effects. Although not as effective as kratom, it can help alleviate mild or moderate joint pains.

While Sakae Naa also has mild sedative effects, it is not the best choice if you are looking for relaxation. In fact, its stimulating effects can counteract its sedative properties. However, there are other plants which can help you relax more successfully.

Side Effects of Sakae Naa

The side effects of Combretum quadrangulare are usually linked to high doses or prolonged use and include:




Brain fog





Because it can cause confusion and a foggy brain, Sakae Naa can make you become less aware and lose concentration. Due to that, if you have consumed Sakae Naa do not drive and avoid taking serious decisions until its effects have completely vanished.

How to Take Sakae Naa

Native people from Thailand use to chew the fresh leaves of Sakae Naa. But unless you have your own Combretum quadrangulare tree or travel to Southeast Asia, this is something you will not be able to do. It is not possible to find fresh Combretum quadrangulare outside its native regions. You can only find Sakae Naa in powder, which is made of the dried leaves of the tree.

You can prepare Combretum quadrangulare by brewing it into a tea and steeping it for 15 – 20 minutes.

If you do not like its taste, you can also make your own pills.

However, if you consume Combretum quadrangulare in pills, it is recommendable you ingest them with a hot drink. Thus, the heat will release the flavonoids and other elements of this plant more efficiently.

Other users opt for smoking it, but the hot water of the tea will allow you to get the most of Combretum quadrangulare active compounds.

Due to its energizing properties, do not consume Sakae Naa in the evening to avoid insomnia.

Combretum Quadrangulare Dosage

The recommended dose of Combretum quadrangulare is 7 – 10 grams.

Doses lower than 5 grams will hardly bring about any effect, while doses of 15 grams or higher are not recommendable unless you are an expert user.

If you want to avoid Sakae Naa side effects, do not consume high doses and stick to the 7 to 10 grams dose.

Is Sakae Naa a Good Kratom Alternative?

The answer is not a simple “yes” or “no”. It depends on what you are using kratom for. If you use kratom to get an energy kick, Sakae Naa is a great substitute.

So, if you are fond of the white or green strains of kratom, you will also enjoy Combretum quadrangulare.

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